Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells that begins in the top layer of your skin— the epidermis. The epidermis is a thin layer that provides a protective cover of skin cells that your body continually sheds.
Risk factors of Skin Cancer
Anyone can suffer from skin cancer which requires treatment from the best Skin Care Clinic in Gurgaon. people having certain characteristics are at greater risk—
A lighter natural skin color.
Skin that freckles, burns, reddens easily, or becomes painful in the sun.
Certain types and a large number of moles.
A family history of skin cancer.
A personal history of skin cancer.
A lighter natural skin color.
Skin that freckles, burns, reddens easily, or becomes painful in the sun.
Certain types and a large number of moles.
A family history of skin cancer.
A personal history of skin cancer.
Signs and symptoms
Skin cancer is primarily seen developing on areas of sun-exposed skin, not limited to the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms and hands, and on the legs in case of women. There are three major types of skin cancer — basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. But it is also seen in areas that are known to rarely see the light of day — your palms, beneath the fingernails or toenails, and your genital areas.
The ABCDE rule applies to detect skin cancer:
The ABCDE rule applies to detect skin cancer:
- Asymmetry In a mole, one part not matching the other
- The border is irregular or notched
- Color is not the same all over and contains different shades
- Diameter is more than that of a pencil eraser
- Evolving, the mole changes size, shape or color
Majority of the damage to DNA in skin cells is the result of ultraviolet (UV) radiation found in sunlight and in the lights used primarily in tanning beds. But sun exposure cannot explain skin cancers that develop on skin not commonly exposed to sunlight. This is an indication that other factors may contribute to your risk of skin cancer, such as exposure to toxic substances or a condition that weakens your immune system.
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Treatment of Skin Cancer
There are several effective means of treating skin cancer. The choice of therapy depends on the location and size of the tumor, the microscopic characteristics of cancer, and the general health scenario of the patient.
- Topical medications: In the case of superficial basal cell carcinomas, some creams, gels, and solutions can be used. Some patients do not experience any side effects with these topical treatments, but others may have redness, inflammation, or irritation. A typical drawback of topical medications is that there is no tissue available to examine to determine if a tumor is removed completely.
- Surgical Removal: The area around the tumor is first numbed with a local anesthetic. A football-shaped portion of tissue including the tumor is then removed and then the edges are closed with stitches. For the bigger of the tumors, skin grafts or even flaps are needed to close the defect. The advantages of this form of treatment are that there is a greater than 90% cure rate, the surgical specimen can be examined to be sure that the whole tumor is successfully removed, and the scar produced is usually more socially acceptable than the EDC procedure. It is a more complicated procedure and is much more expensive than EDC.
- Mohs micrographic surgery: The site is locally anesthetized and the surgeon removes the visible tumor with normal tissue. The tissue is immediately examined under a microscope and areas that demonstrate remaining microscopic tumor involvement are re-excised and the margins are re-observed. This cycle is continued until no further tumor can be seen. This is a more complicated and expensive option is the treatment of choice for tumors where normal tissue preservation is vital, where the tumor margins are not properly defined, in tumors that have been previously treated and have recurred, even in certain high-risk tumors.
- Radiation therapy: 10-15 treatment sessions are enough to deliver a high dose of radiation to the tumor and a small surrounding skin area. This form of treatment is highly useful in those who are not candidates for any surgical procedures. The advantage of radiation therapy is that there is no cutting involved. The disadvantages of this expensive alternative are that the treated area cannot be tested first to be sure the whole tumor is gone and radiation scars tend to look worse over time. It is, for this reason, it is usually reserved for elderly patients.:
For more : Skin Doctor in Gurgaon
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